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Clinical review questionnaires

Practice initiated questionnaires for long term conditions

Laura Perring avatar
Written by Laura Perring
Updated over a week ago

This article covers:

What are clinical review questionnaires?

Practices manage significant numbers of patients with long term conditions (e.g. asthma, contraceptive pill review, COPD, medication review etc). These patients are required to be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure their conditions are being managed, and that they are not deteriorating.

eConsult has developed clinical questionnaires that will allow patients to provide information ahead or instead of their review appointment. Although it is possible for patients to access these from your practice’s eConsult page, the practice should proactively send the link to the review page or specific review questionnaire to the patient to let them know they need to fill it out.

You can see and test out our review questionnaires on our demo site:

Why use eConsult's reviews?

  • Supports chronic disease management

  • Save nursing time & admin time on the patient recall process

  • Save time on data collection/streamline process

  • Manage reviews efficiently (reviews can be done end-to-end completely remotely via eConsult)

  • No additional costs

  • No need for patients to download apps etc

What review questionnaires exist?

We're always looking to develop useful questionnaires for your patients. At the moment we have the following available:

  • Asthma

  • Blood pressure

  • COPD

  • Cancer care

  • Contraception

  • Coronary heart disease

  • Depression or anxiety

  • Diabetes

  • Epilepsy

  • HRT

  • Heart failure

  • Medication

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Thyroid

Register for our 30-minute on-demand webinar for practical advice on how to make the most of eConsult Review questionnaires.

How to send review questionnaires to patients

This 2-minute video summarises how you can access review questionnaires and how to shorten the link so that you can easily send the specific link to patients.

In order to invite a patient to complete the eConsult review, you will need to include a link to your review page or to the specific condition review questionnaire. To find this, navigate to your eConsult page, scroll down to the bottom and find the below section.

You will need to copy the website link to your practice’s eConsult review page, for example,, or one of the specific review questionnaires. To copy this link you can use normal shortcuts such as Ctrl + C or right-click to access this option.

These links can be quite long, so it is possible to shorten website links online (e.g. using for sending as a text message.

How to use reviews for managing patients with chronic conditions

You should follow the same process as you currently do to identify which patients on your clinical system are due a regular review.

Once you have identified your group of patients, you can now send them an invitation to complete an online review via the appropriate eConsult questionnaire.

You can send the link to the appropriate review questionnaire as part of an email or text. Once you have received the eConsult review from your patient, you can then decide:

  • If they need an appointment (e.g. to carry out any other tests in person)

  • How urgently the patient needs the appointment

  • The length of the appointment

  • Which clinician/ type of appointment is needed

When a patient completes a review questionnaire, their confirmation email will always include links and information about how they can continue to manage their condition.

Example messages to send to patients

Asthma Review

  • Please complete the asthma review questionnaire on our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK, to support your practice in keeping your patient record up to date.

  • Ensure that your asthma details are up to date by quickly completing this asthma review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • When was the last time you spoke with your nurse about your asthma condition? Simply complete this review questionnaire ATTACH LINK and avoid having to come in for an appointment.

  • You are due your annual asthma review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our asthma review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 and save yourself a trip to the practice by completing your asthma review online, via our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

Contraceptive Pill Review

  • Please complete the contraceptive pill review questionnaire on our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK, so we can ensure your records are up to date.

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 and save yourself a trip to the practice by completing your contraceptive pill review online, via our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • Our records show that you are due a contraceptive pill review. Quickly complete a contraceptive pill review questionnaire on eConsult - ATTACH LINK - for a nurse to review.

    If you have a BP machine at home, please include this on your eConsult.

  • Before collecting your next prescription for your contraceptive pill, complete a review online with eConsult - ATTACH LINK.

    If you have a BP machine at home, please include this on your eConsult. Your response will be reviewed by one of our nursing teams.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Review

  • Please complete the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) review questionnaire on our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK, so we can ensure your records are up to date.

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 and save yourself a trip to the practice by completing your Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) review online, via our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • Our records show that you are due a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) review. Quickly complete a review questionnaire on eConsult - ATTACH LINK - for a nurse to review.

    If you have a BP machine at home, please include this on your eConsult.

  • Before collecting your next prescription for your Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), complete a review online with eConsult - ATTACH LINK.

    If you have a BP machine at home, please include this on your eConsult. Your response will be reviewed by one of our nursing teams.

Thyroid Review

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by completing your thyroid review online, via our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • Our records show you are due a thyroid review. Please complete the eConsult review - ATTACH LINK. If you are due for a blood test we will be in touch to organise this.

Blood pressure / Hypertension Review

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by completing your blood pressure review online, via our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • You are due for a blood pressure review. Avoid the waiting and the travel by completing our online review form - ATTACH LINK. If you have a BP monitor at home, ensure to include your reading. The clinician will review it & get back to you.

  • It is crucial to know your blood pressure reading. Avoid the risk of heart disease and strokes by completing the blood pressure review on the eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK, for your GP to evaluate.

Diabetes Review

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by completing your diabetes review online, through our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • Ensure that your diabetes information is up to date by quickly completing this diabetes review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • When was the last time you spoke with your nurse about your diabetes? Simply complete this review questionnaire ATTACH LINK and avoid having to come in for an appointment.

  • You are due your annual diabetic review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

COPD Review

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by completing your COPD review online, through our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • Ensure that your COPD details are up to date by quickly completing this COPD review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • You are due your annual COPD review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

Medication Review

  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by completing your medication review online, through our eConsult platform - ATTACH LINK.

  • You are due your annual medication review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire. ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

  • To ensure your medication is available next month please complete this medication review ATTACH LINK.

Coronary Heart Disease Review

  • Ensure that your details are up to date by quickly completing this Coronary Heart Disease review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • You are due your annual Coronary Heart Disease review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

Epilepsy Review

  • Ensure that your details are up to date by quickly completing this epilepsy review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • You are due your annual epilepsy review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

Heart Failure Review

  • Ensure that your details are up to date by quickly completing this heart failure review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • You are due your annual heart failure review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Review

  • Ensure that your details are up to date by quickly completing this rheumatoid arthritis review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • You are due your annual rheumatoid arthritis review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.

Depression / Anxiety Review

  • Ensure that your details are up to date by quickly completing this review questionnaire - ATTACH LINK. This information will be added to your patient record & a nurse will be in contact if needs be.

  • You are due your annual review. To ensure there is no delay in ordering your next prescription, complete our review questionnaire ATTACH LINK & save yourself having to come into the surgery.


Why does the Asthma review template not contain the same wording for the ACT (Asthma Control Test) questionnaire?

The Asthma review template contains the complete ACT questionnaire but has been only slightly reworded and in a format that is easier for patients to understand.

Why does the COPD review template not contain the same wording for the MRC (Medical Research Council) questionnaire?

The COPD review template contains the complete MRC questionnaire but has been reworded and in a format that is easier for patients to understand and works for our platform.

If you have any questions or you feel that this article could be improved, please feel free to give us some feedback by emailing us, pressing the emojis below or using the chat button on the bottom right-hand side of this page to speak to one of the eConsult team.

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