You can use eConsult to request documentation from your practice, for example:
Ask about recent test results
Request a fit note for work or other reasons
Request Maternity Exemption Certificates
GP letters
Medical reports
Medical Examination letters
Other documents
Go to the 'I want administrative help' section
Read the disclaimer and accept the privacy notice
Confirm who you are submitting for (yourself, a child, someone else)
Confirm that you are not requesting advice or treatment for a medical problem
Use NHS login or continue as a guest to populate your own personal details
Confirm your registered practice and personal details (if not using NHS login; only available in England)
Select which administrative issue you need help with:
The questions you will then be asked will change depending on which option you have chosen.
Fit notes for 7 days or less
If you expect to be ill for 7 days or less, your GP won't give you a sick note. But you can still self-certify your illness by completing the statement of sickness form on the HMRC website. Give it to your employer as proof of illness and to claim your Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).
If you have any questions or you feel that this article could be improved, please feel free to give us some feedback by emailing us, pressing the emojis below or using the chat button on the bottom right-hand side of this page to speak to one of the eConsult team.