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User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

UAT testing prior to going live with the Smart Inbox

Laura Perring avatar
Written by Laura Perring
Updated over a week ago

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Sign-off for using the eConsult Smart Inbox with EMIS/SystmOne

Prior to going live, the practice will need to complete end to end testing of their intended use of eConsult and the Smart Inbox.

Who is this document for? This document is for use by the GP practice team.

Instructions on how to use this document:

  • Review the UAT Case Checklist column to understand the actions required to set up the eConsult smart inbox and to fully understand the features available

  • Add Pass against each item once completed and include date and any comments

  • Your eConsult transformation lead will review this document with you during your mobilisation process to align on progress and maximise the benefits that your team can realise with the eConsult smart inbox

UAT Case Checklist

Expected Behaviour


Date Completed


Download eConsult Toolbar

User able to download the eConsult Toolbar (may need Practice’s IT to authorise the download)

Enable toolbar integration with EMIS/SystmOne

Successfully able to pass data from Smart Inbox to Clinical System

Initial login of Toolbar completed

Post toolbar download, user can enter the Practice Message ID and eConsult ID

URL for eConsult works

URL loads to practice specific eConsult webpage for patients to submit an eConsult (please note it will mention at the top that this is for internal testing only)

Submit eConsult (as a Test patient). NB: please ensure you are using details for Test patients that have been created in your Clinical System

eConsult arrives into the correct queue in the Smart Inbox. Adult Health problems, Child Health problems and LTC/Medication reviews to the “waiting” folder under Clinical & Admin help to the “waiting” folder under Admin

Submit 3 eConsults using below criteria:

1. test patient all correct details

2. test patient 1 detail incorrect e.g. gender or DOB

3. no matching details

Test 1 - Patient automatching

5/5 patient identifiers (First name, Last name, DOB, Postcode, Gender) or 6/6 patient identifiers (First name, Last name, DOB, Postcode, Gender, NHS number) if the NHS number is completed on the eConsult matches what is on the clinical system then the patient is automatically matched when eConsult arrives in the Smart Inbox queue

Test 2 - Manually match patient (matches found)

If automatch fails but matches are found, user is able to select match

Test 3 - Unmatch patient

After a patient has been matched, user will see an unmatch patient button in “patient details”

Manually match a “No results” eConsult

Using the NHS number for SystmOne or EMIS Patient ID number to match a No results eConsult to the patient record in the clinical system

Sort folders in line with SOP

Sort the folders under Admin or Clinical by Time Received, Age or Flags

Filter folders by Team

Filter the folders under Admin or Clinical by specific team

Signpost eConsults

Use the Signpost option once eConsult is opened and save changes

Add a Comment under signposting options

Add a comment and save changes

Send two way message response to Test patient

User toggle on Allow patient to respond, generates a unique link for patient to respond

Resolve a Failed Message to the patient

eConsult is removed from the “Failed Messages” folder

Create personal message template

A new personal message is created and visible in the templates when responding to patients

Create Tag

User able to Add a new tag item

Assign Tag to eConsult card

User can assign tag to individual eConsult and be able to view all open eConsults that are associated to a specific tag

Remove Tag from eConsult card

Tag removed from eConsult card and no longer showing in the tag folder

Submit an eConsult Lite

User able to submit eConsult Lite from Smart Inbox on behalf of patient

End to end test your agreed admin workflow

As per your workflow

End to end test your agreed clinical workflow

As per your SOP

Save eConsult to Clinical System

Save eConsult to the patient record in the Clinical System

Download the eConsult as PDF

PDF downloaded to user’s PC

Record clinical encounter in appointment book

As per your workflow

View saved eConsult in Clinical system

Once eConsult has been saved to record, open patient record in the clinical system. Users will be able to see the ICE data, messaging & eConsult PDF. EMIS users under Consultations and SystmOne users under Journal

Signed off by:

Sign-off Date:

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If you have any questions or you feel that this article could be improved, please feel free to give us some feedback by emailing us, pressing the emojis below or using the chat button on the bottom right-hand side of this page to speak to one of the eConsult team.

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