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Smart Inbox and Vision Integration
Smart Inbox and Vision Integration

Step by step guide for using the Smart Inbox with Vision Integration

Laura Perring avatar
Written by Laura Perring
Updated over 6 months ago

The Vision integration with Smart Inbox is currently in a pilot phase for practices in Scotland and Wales. If you would like to get set up with the integration, please contact

What is the Vision integrated Smart Inbox?

The Smart Inbox integration with Vision allows practices in Scotland and Wales to save eConsults directly into the patient's record in a couple of quick steps from within the Smart Inbox browser!

Saving includes the ICE (ideas, concerns and expectations) text, the eConsult PDF which displays the full audit trail, and the ‘eConsultation via online application’ SNOMED code.

Accessing the Smart Inbox from a Web Browser

You can access the Smart Inbox through a web browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Please note you can still access the Smart Inbox via the toolbar but you will not be able to use the interop features (matching and saving to record feature), as the interop is exclusively via the browser.

If your practice is not currently set up with the Smart Inbox you can read more about it and sign up here.

Saving the eConsult to the record

Once you've opened the Smart Inbox in the browser there are two easy steps to save the eConsult into the patient's record:

  1. Match the patient

  2. Save to record


In order to save an eConsult to the patient record, you will need to match the patient in the Smart Inbox first. The save to record icon will be greyed out until this action is completed first.

Most of the time, eConsults will be auto-matched. Auto-matching occurs when the patient’s first name, surname, date of birth and sex are a perfect match to a patient in Vision. If patients are auto-matched this will be displayed on the connect bar.

If the Smart Inbox has not been able to auto-match the patient details, it will display as ‘Not matched’. You will need to click on the ‘Not matched’ button in grey:

This will then open a matching pop up with suggested matches for that patient based on the demographic details provided in the eConsult.

You will then need to press the ‘Select’ button to match the relevant patient with the eConsult:

Once selected, the status will change to ‘Matched’:

If you have selected the incorrect patient, simply click on the ‘Matched’ button and press ‘Unmatch’ in the pop up:

If the correct patient is not shown in the list of matches, or the status is ‘No results’ (meaning no matches have been found):

You will need to download the eConsult PDF and manually upload it to the patient’s record. The ‘download PDF’ button is shown in the connect bar.


Once matched, the ‘save to record’ button on the connect bar will be enabled:

After clicking ‘save to record’, a saving message will be displayed:

Once complete the status will then change to ‘saved’:

All saves will be recorded in the activity log, shown in the Smart Inbox and the eConsult PDF, to retain an audit trail:

A full save is displayed in Vision 3 as follows:

A full save is displayed in Vision Anywhere as follows:

Saving partial activity to the record

After saving, any new activity, e.g. a new message, will cause the status to automatically update to ‘partially saved’:

Saving an eConsult which is partially saved will only include unsaved activity by default, to avoid duplication in the record.

A partial save entry will include the PDF only, not the ICE text or SNOMED code.

A partial save is displayed in Vision 3 as follows:

A partial save is displayed in Vision Anywhere as follows:

Saving on completion

To help ensure all activity is saved to the patient’s record, when you are ready to complete a toggle will be shown allowing you to save the any unsaved activity:

The toggle is on by default. If it remains on, when clicking ‘save changes’ the eConsult will first change to complete and then the latest activity will be saved.

If it is toggled off, the eConsult will change to complete without saving to the record.


How is the integration accessed?

Vision is a cloud interop, meaning that it is available through the Smart Inbox in your browser, and you don’t need to use our toolbar. The Smart Inbox URL is

I don’t have an NHS email, how do I log into the Smart Inbox?

  1. Please select 'Login with another email'

  2. You will then be taken to the login page, you will need to select 'forgot password?'

  3. You will then need to enter your email address

  4. You will then receive an email from, please click 'confirm' in the email

  5. You will then need to create a new password

  6. You should then be able to access the Smart Inbox!

Can I open the patient record from the Smart Inbox?

This feature isn’t currently available due to restrictions with Vision’s API. If this changes in future we will look to incorporate this functionality.

Are eConsults coded to the record?

When saving to the record, the ‘eConsultation via online application’ (1068881000000101) SNOMED code is automatically included in a full save, but custom coding (height, weight, BMI, drinking status, smoking status, ethnicity, scoring systems, blood pressure) is currently not available.

Read codes are not currently included in the integration.

Why does the SNOMED code ‘Third party encounter’ (185318008) get saved to the record?

This is currently an issue with the Vision API. Vision are aware and aim to rectify this as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or you feel that this article could be improved, please feel free to give us some feedback by emailing us, pressing the emojis below or using the chat button on the bottom right-hand side of this page to speak to one of the eConsult team.

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