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Smart Inbox guides
For Healthcare Professionals: User guides for the Smart Inbox
eConsult Smart Inbox introduction
Smart Inbox - How to Guide
eConsult Smart Inbox: Admin Led SOP Example
eConsult Smart Inbox: Clinician Led SOP Example
eConsult Settings Portal
Message Templates in the Smart Inbox
Patient SMS Portal
Smart Inbox and Vision Integration
Smart Inbox Reporting FAQs
Accessing the Smart Inbox
Smart Inbox Preview
Smart Inbox - Urgent Warning Bypass
Smart Inbox views, folders and tagging
Smart Inbox and SystmOne integration
Smart Inbox and EMIS Web integration
eConsult Lite (eLite) for the Smart Inbox
Viewing consultations in the Smart Inbox
Signposting in the Smart Inbox
Exporting and Uploading Smart Inbox eConsults
Exporting and Uploading Smart Inbox eConsults via the Smart Inbox
Multi-user collaboration in the Smart Inbox
Messaging patients in the Smart Inbox
Share feedback or get help in the Smart inbox
SNOMED coding in the Smart Inbox