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Smart Inbox and SystmOne integration

Step by step guide for using the Smart Inbox via the SystmOne integrated toolbar

Laura Perring avatar
Written by Laura Perring
Updated over 5 months ago

This article covers:

For more information on the Smart Inbox and how your practice can start using it please head here.

What is the SystmOne integrated Smart Inbox?

The Smart Inbox integration with SystmOne allows you to save the eConsults directly into the matched patient's record in a couple of quick steps from within the Smart Inbox! Saved into the patients record in SystmOne is the eConsult PDF and Ideas, Concerns and Expectations (ICE) data. To use the Smart Inbox with SystmOne integration you must have the eConsult toolbar.

Accessing the Smart Inbox from the toolbar

Once you have downloaded and configured the toolbar you can access the Smart Inbox by simply pressing the envelope in the middle of the toolbar, this will open the Smart Inbox in full screen. If you load the toolbar and do not have the Smart Inbox icon or are struggling with the SystmOne integration please contact the Operations Team (

Saving the eConsult to the record

Once you've opened the Smart Inbox from the toolbar there are two easy steps to save the eConsult into the patient's record:

  1. Match the patient

  2. Save to record

Most of the time, eConsults will be auto-matched. Auto-matching occurs when the patient’s first name, surname, date of birth and sex are a perfect match to a patient in the clinical system. If patients are auto-matched this will be displayed on the connect bar.

You can find out more information about the match by clicking on the green Matched button.

Following the auto-match, simply click the save button on the connect bar.

You can easily open the patient record as well once the patient is matched if you want to see the saved record.

If the patient is not auto-matched, the patient details button will show Not matched or No results. Click on the patient details button to open the matching modal. If there are suggested matches, review the match and where it is the correct patient, click Select match.

If there are no suggested matches, you will need to match manually. Locate the patient in SystmOne and copy their NHS number into the field, then click Match.

Saving to the record can take around 10 seconds, you do not need to remain in the Smart Inbox while it is saving. You will then see the patient’s submission in SystmOne including the ICE data, in the record attachments section.

Please see this video to see the whole process in action. For any questions please contact the support team either by using the live chat in the bottom right corner or emailing

Saving partial activity to the record

After there has been any new activity on the eConsult (example: new response or outgoing message), the status will flip to partially saved. This is where you can save the new activity without saving all previous activity.

Any subsequent (partial) saves will not include the consultation, but will include any activity since the last save.

Where that new activity does not include an inbound message, a new entry will be created on the clinical system with the latest PDF, so that the record remains up to date.

Once the new activity has been saved you can then update the status of the eConsult, whether this is ‘Awaiting Response’ or ‘Completed’

When you select the ‘complete’ status, a toggle will be shown allowing you to update the clinical system with the latest activity.

If you have already saved all new activity to the record simply turn off the toggle so the eConsult moves into the completed folder.

If you have not already saved all new activity to the record, keep the toggle on and select on ‘Save Changes’

This will then update the status to ‘Complete’ and will automatically save all new activity which has not yet been saved.

Saving messages to the record

Just like the eConsult PDF and Ideas, Concerns and Expectations data, the email or SMS communications are also saved separately into SystmOne when saved to the record for more information see here.


Error message when saving to record

If you receive an error message saying ‘Failed to save eConsult to record’, this can occur for a number of reasons.

One reason is because of a number of SystmOne messaging settings that need updating. The message setting needing adding is email and text to the contact methods.

If the error messages continues to be displayed please contact the Operations Team by using the live chat in the bottom right corner.

My eConsult is not bringing up matches

The most likely reason is that the eConsult submitted doesn't match the patient data in SystmOne (specifically the patient name and date of birth). If this is the case please use the following guide to upload the eConsult into SystmOne manually. It might also be that the patient submitting is not a patient at the practice, for more information on managing eConsults that have been submitted from patients not registered at your surgery please see here.

‘Patient not matched’ in orange is not visible

Please ensure SystmOne is open and logged in on your computer. You will also need to ensure that the toolbar is integrated with SystmOne, please see here.

Error when opening the eConsult in the record

This error message can be displayed if you try to open the eConsult in the record immediately after saving. It can take a couple of minutes for SystmOne to finish downloading all the content into SystmOne.

eConsult hidden from patient's online record

As standard the eConsult is hidden from the patient's online record when saved into SystmOne. To make them visible to the patient, head to the patient record and right click on the consultation and select 'Show in online record' see below for a quick video:

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